What has 2020 taught me about work, love, family and myself
With increasing data to support the idea that the pandemic aftermath will be as bitter as the pandemic itself, we have to ask ourselves where do we go from here. Not only as a world and society, but also personally. Setting our priorities right; taking care of our physical and mental health; developing the mindset that will enable us to deal with the post-pandemic crisis that will follow in 2021, or possibly in 2022, are the habits that will determine whether we will not only adapt, but also thrive.
Workism and how we forgot that we are more than our job
Remember: you are more than your job. The damaging idea "to hustle" - that work-obsessed millennials nowadays support even more strongly with hashtags, "inspirational" posts and quotes, and seemingly overbooked calendars - is quickly creating a lonely youth with poor life-to-work balance, which in its strong desire to be authentic and unique, is achieving exactly the opposite. Remember: you are more than your work. Your uniqueness lies within you, not within your CV or office.
Planet over profit: myth or fact?
Can we have both?We have to evolve - both economically and personally. Sustainable development and job generation can and must go hand in hand. If we properly transform and redistribute our resources and efforts, we can not only live more environmentally-friendly, but we can also create many more jobs and provide decent works in both developed and developing countries.
Looking for work?
Here are 10 points worth consideringI have been working on my PhD for a year now! - I say as I raise my cup of tea to make a toast for the anniversary. Usually, this would be a glass of wine, but since tomorrow I hit the lab at 7am, I think the wine will have to wait. That being said, and without further due, let me get down to the point. What did I learn during this year? And what should you pay attention to when choosing your next job?